The entire bunch (well, my immediate bunch at least) would like to wish you and yours a very happy and prosperous 2011!

There's, me, Yaya, in the red shirt on the right.
I do not make "New Year's resolutions" because then I feel really rotten when I don't meet the expectation, but I do try to "do better than last year" in most respects. One of the things on the top of the list is to give myself more time to stitch and crochet. My kids will tell you that I tend to give THEM more time than I should, so they are encouraging me to find more ME time. I am sure my DH will be happy to hear that, too!
I will spend the next few days looking for new projects. Maybe I will buy a couple of the ones on my Wish List... who knows...
Everyone have a wonderful day and let's get busy on 2011! May it be a fabulous year!